Monday, November 24, 2008

malacca trip

Always so belated. It's the 24th today, and I'm reporting on something that happened more than a week ago.

Last last weekend, trip to Malacca. With maternal relatives. 2 days: car ride, food, shopping, hotel, nothing else.

It was practically the same old itinerary; the food was practically the same as the other time we'd been there.

Deviation from norm:
1st night's dinner: seafood.
next morning's breakfast: dim sum.
Different hotel.
Different car :)

I loved it. We should switch from explore mode to sit-back-and-relax mode once in a while. There's nothing wrong in sticking to one's old ways. Let the pictures do the explanation.

Cat in a restaurant. Cute, but it casted serious doubts about the safety standards of the said restaurant and periphery.

Malacca's a UNESCO World Heritage City (starting from this July)!

Car ride to Malacca.

close-up on blemishes.

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